Holy Quran Surah Arabic Names English names
1. Al-Fatihah (the Opening) سورة الفاتحة
2. Al-Baqarah (the Cow) سورة البقرة
3. Aali Imran (the Family of Imran) سورة آل عمران
4. An-Nisa’ (the Women) سورة النساء
5. Al-Ma’idah (the Table) سورة المائدة
6. Al-An’am (the Cattle) سورة الأنعام
7. Al-A’raf (the Heights) سورة الأعراف
8. Al-Anfal (the Spoils of War) سورة الأنفال
9. At-Taubah (the Repentance) سورة التوبة
10. Yunus (Yunus) سورة يونس
11. Hud (Hud) سورة هود
12. Yusuf (Yusuf) سورة يوسف
13. Ar-Ra’d (the Thunder) سورة الرّعد
14. Ibrahim (Ibrahim) سورة إبراهيم
15. Al-Hijr (the Rocky Tract) سورة الحجر
16. An-Nahl (the Bees) سورة النحل
17. Al-Isra’ (the Night Journey) سورة الإسراء
18. Al-Kahf (the Cave) سورة الكهف
19. Maryam (Maryam) سورة مريم
20. Ta-Ha (Ta-Ha) سورة طه
21. Al-Anbiya’ (the Prophets) سورة الأنبياء
22. Al-Haj (the Pilgrimage) سورة الحج
23. Al-Mu’minun (the Believers) سورة المؤمنون
24. An-Nur (the Light) سورة النّور
25. Al-Furqan (the Criterion) سورة الفرقان
26. Ash-Shu’ara’ (the Poets) سورة الشعراء
27. An-Naml (the Ants) سورة النمل
28. Al-Qasas (the Stories) سورة القصص
29. Al-Ankabut (the Spider) سورة العنكبوت
30. Ar-Rum (the Romans) سورة الروم
31. Luqman (Luqman) سورة لقمان
32. As-Sajdah (the Prostration) سورة السجدة
33. Al-Ahzab (the Combined Forces) سورة الأحزاب
34. Saba’ (the Sabeans) سورة سبإ
35. Al-Fatir (the Originator) سورة فاطر
36. Ya-Sin (Ya-Sin) سورة يس
37. As-Saffah (Those Ranges in Ranks) سورة الصّافّات
38. Sad (Sad) سورة ص
39. Az-Zumar (the Groups) سورة الزمر
40. Ghafar (the Forgiver) سورة غافر
41. Fusilat (Distinguished) سورة فصّلت
42. Ash-Shura (the Consultation) سورة الشورى
43. Az-Zukhruf (the Gold) سورة الزخرف
44. Ad-Dukhan (the Smoke) سورة الدخان
45. Al-Jathiyah (the Kneeling) سورة الجاثية
46. Al-Ahqaf (the Valley) سورة الأحقاف
47. Muhammad (Muhammad) سورة محمّـد
48. Al-Fat’h (the Victory) سورة الفتح
49. Al-Hujurat (the Dwellings) سورة الحُـجُـرات
50. Qaf (Qaf) سورة ق
51. Adz-Dzariyah (the Scatterers) سورة الذاريات
52. At-Tur (the Mount) سورة الـطور
53. An-Najm (the Star) سورة الـنحـم
54. Al-Qamar (the Moon) سورة الـقمـر
55. Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious) سورة الـرحـمـن
56. Al-Waqi’ah (the Event) سورة الواقيـة
57. Al-Hadid (the Iron) سورة الحـديد
58. Al-Mujadilah (the Reasoning) سورة الـمجادلـة
59. Al-Hashr (the Gathering) سورة الـحـشـر
60. Al-Mumtahanah (the Tested) سورة الـمـمـتـحنة
61. As-Saf (the Row) سورة الـصّـف
62. Al-Jum’ah (Friday) سورة الـجـمـعـة
63. Al-Munafiqun (the Hypocrites) سورة الـمنافقون
64. At-Taghabun (the Loss & Gain) سورة الـتغابن
65. At-Talaq (the Divorce) سورة الـطلاق
66. At-Tahrim (the Prohibition) سورة الـتحريم
67. Al-Mulk – (the Kingdom) سورة الـملك
68. Al-Qalam (the Pen) سورة الـقـلـم
69. Al-Haqqah (the Inevitable) سورة الـحاقّـة
70. Al-Ma’arij (the Elevated Passages) سورة الـمعارج
71. Nuh (Nuh) سورة نوح
72. Al-Jinn (the Jinn) سورة الجن
73. Al-Muzammil (the Wrapped) سورة الـمـزّمّـل
74. Al-Mudaththir (the Cloaked) سورة الـمّـدّثّـر
75. Al-Qiyamah (the Resurrection) سورة الـقـيامـة
76. Al-Insan (the Human) سورة الإنسان
77. Al-Mursalat (Those Sent Forth) سورة الـمرسلات
78. An-Naba’ (the Great News) سورة الـنبإ
79. An-Nazi’at (Those Who Pull Out) سورة الـنازعات
80. ‘Abasa (He Frowned) سورة عبس
81. At-Takwir (the Overthrowing) سورة التكوير
82. Al-Infitar (the Cleaving) سورة الانفطار
83. Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud) سورة المطـفـفين
84. Al-Inshiqaq (the Splitting Asunder) سورة الانشقاق
85. Al-Buruj (the Stars) سورة البروج
86. At-Tariq (the Nightcomer) سورة الـطارق
87. Al-A’la (the Most High) سورة الأعـلى
88. Al-Ghashiyah (the Overwhelming) سورة الغاشـيـة
89. Al-Fajr (the Dawn) سورة الفجر
90. Al-Balad (the City) سورة الـبلد
91. Ash-Shams (the Sun) سورة الـشـمـس
92. Al-Layl (the Night) سورة اللـيـل
93. Adh-Dhuha (the Forenoon) سورة الضـحى
94. Al-Inshirah (the Opening Forth) سورة الـشرح
95. At-Tin (the Fig) سورة الـتين
96. Al-‘Alaq (the Clot) سورة الـعلق
97. Al-Qadar (the Night of Decree) سورة الـقدر
98. Al-Bayinah (the Proof) سورة الـبينة
99. Az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake) سورة الـزلزلة
100. Al-‘Adiyah (the Runners) سورة الـعاديات
101. Al-Qari’ah (the Striking Hour) سورة الـقارعـة
102. At-Takathur (the Piling Up) سورة الـتكاثر
103. Al-‘Asr (the Time) سورة الـعصر
104. Al-Humazah (the Slanderer) سورة الـهمزة
105. Al-Fil (the Elephant) سورة الـفيل
106. Quraish (Quraish) سورة قريش
107. Al-Ma’un (the Assistance) سورة المـاعون
108. Al-Kauthar (the River of Abundance) سورة
109. Al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers) سورة الـكافرون
110. An-Nasr (the Help) سورة الـنصر
111. Al-Masad (the Palm Fiber) سورة الـمسد
112. Al-Ikhlas (the Sincerity) سورة الإخلاص
113. Al-Falaq (the Daybreak) سورة الـفلق
114. An-Nas (Mankind)"سورة الـناس